OxOffice Online 社群版本更新公告
OxOffice Online v5
- 2025-01-20
- 此版本將 Online 更新至 5.X,OxOffice 後端更新至 10.X,並提供 Ubuntu 24.04 與 RHEL 8 的相容版本
OxOffice Online v4
- 2024-03-01
- 修正使用舊版 Poco 時無法編譯的問題
- 修正模組效率問題
- 修正 IPv4 與 IPv6 的顯示方式
- 新增部份 HTTP 標頭
- 將回應的 HTTP 版本變更為 1.1
- 修正其他數個問題
- 2023-07-04
- [後端]:修正 OxOffice Online 無法載入 CSV 檔案的問題
- [後端]:修正 -Djava.class.path 若為空值時發生的問題
- [後端]:將內建的 curl 依賴軟體升級至 8.0.1
- [後端]:讓其他模組可以存取 encodeForXml
- [後端]:在 Online 模式時隱藏「插入區段」對話方塊中的「連結」區塊
- [後端]:修正先前 Online 的語言選單中顯示的並非文件語言的問題
- [後端]:載入 iframe 時同時設定 Referer
- [後端]:修正浮動式外框的部份問題
- [後端]:停用 iframe 對指令稿/巨集的支援
- [後端]:修正 OxOffice Online 無法載入 CSV 檔案的問題
- 2023-04-13
- 完善模組開發流程與架構,並提供開發工具
- 將內建模組合併回主程式軟體包中
- 修正若未指定語言相關的環境變數,則無法啟動的問題
- [後端]:從 LibreOffice 7.2 與更新版本 backport 多個與 Online 相關的 patch
- [後端]:修正 QR code 擴充套件其他問題
- [後端]:修正 Writer 中,文字格式意外套用數字格式的問題
- [後端]:將輸入法輸入時的游標位置回報至後端,用以修正編輯器輸入法的問題
- [後端]:修正 QR code 擴充套件編譯時無法擷取的問題
- 2022-12-27
- 修正多個與共編相關的問題
- 修正存取剪貼簿相關問題
- 修改後台管理頁面架構
- 修改模組開發流程與架構
- [後端]:從 LibreOffice 7.2 與更新版本 backport 多個與 Online 相關的 patch
- [後端]:修正按下再放開滑鼠右鍵時,會讓文字選取失效的問題
- [後端]:修復驗證過濾條件的下拉式選單
- [後端]:從 Online 隱藏檔案匯出對話方塊
- [後端]:新增列印時加入 QR Code 的功能
- [後端]:修正 QR code 擴充套件意外呼叫系統 python 直譯器的問題
- 2022-08-22
- 此版本將 Online 更新至 4.X,OxOffice 後端更新至 9.X,並提供 Ubuntu 20.04、RHEL 7 與 8 的相容版本
- 此版本將 Online 更新至 4.X,OxOffice 後端更新至 9.X,並提供 Ubuntu 20.04、RHEL 7 與 8 的相容版本
OxOffice Online v3
- 2021-10-28
- [後端]:修正 PDF 密碼輸入後依然無法開啟的問題
- [後端]:修正 Calc 匯入時更新列高所造成的問題
- [後端]:為 Calc 新增 SC_SINGLE_AUTOFILTER 環境變數以選擇停用自動篩選
- 2021-07-28
- [後端]:修正 Calc 刪除自動列高的欄位時,會產生灰色區域的問題
- [後端]:讓 OxOOL 可以開啟加密的 PDF 檔案
- [後端]:重新啟用 Writer「格式」→「頁面」中的「文字網格」分頁
- [後端]:修正 Calc 的「函式精靈」無法在共編狀態下運作的問題
- 2021-06-30
- 更新 jQuery 及部份相依套件版本,並修復與其相關的問題
- Impress:移除無作用的轉場效果
- 修正工作列中部份按鈕的選單會出現 scroll bar 的問題
- 新增筆形游標
- 在 CentOS 版本的軟體包加入 sudo 的依賴關係
- 修正手機模式下,游標消失且此時鍵盤不會彈出的問題
- 修正 PDF 的預覽問題
- 修正紀錄 uno 指令狀態流程
- 修正部份工具列按鈕啟用或禁用規則
- 修正某些 uno 指令回報處理流程
- 修正無法貼上從瀏覽器複製的圖片問題
- [後端]:修正在 Kit 模式下(亦即作為 Online 的後端時),游標進入表格會造成 CPU 使用率異常飆高的問題
- [後端]:修正 PDF 浮水印與浮水印置中規則
- [後端]:修正 Writer 插入箭頭圓頭線條的問題
- [後端]:讓 Online 剪貼簿強制支援 PNG 格式
- [後端]:修正 Calc 在一個儲存格內貼上有多列的內容時,會變成多個儲存格的問題
- 2021-05-31
- [後端]:新增 LOK_CALLBACK_MSGBOX 作為統整訊息傳遞機制
- [後端]:阻擋兩人以上使用 autofilter 的情況
- [後端]:從 core 軟體包移除 gnome-integration 的相依性
- [後端]:關閉自動篩選的共編阻擋機制
- [後端]:修復 Ubuntu 版本的相依性問題
- 2021-04-22
- 將編譯環境調整為相容於 Python 3
- 調整在 Ubuntu 環境下編譯時需要的軟體包
- 修復在手機模式下游標位置錯誤的問題
- Calc:增加處理 action id: 'sethyperlink' 程式碼
- Calc:修復 invalidatecursor 當機問題
- 更新繁體中文翻譯
- 調整 iPad 與其他平板電腦佈局
- 在 OxOffice 的對話框關閉後,其將通知檔案重新擷取輸入焦點
- TileLayer.js 修正數項問題
- 修正程式碼 tab 排版錯誤
- Calc 如果沒有選取區塊的話,清除所有文字選取區,避免畫面殘留
- 重寫 Impress 的預覽處理程式
- Calc:修正若點擊的儲存格太寬,會導致編輯區域左右捲動的問題
- Calc:修正多項問題
- 伺服器新增處理 HTTP 403 的機制與訊息翻譯
- Calc:與 Writer 與 Impress 統一右鍵選單中「貼上」的行為
- Calc:新增並修正多項工作表功能
- 將 jQuery 的版本從 2.2.4 升級為 3.5.1
- 修復 <div id="document-container"> 網頁標籤
- [後端]:移除 Impress 色彩揀選器按鈕
- [後端]:Impress 新增 uno 指令 ResetAttributes
- [後端]:Writer 修改時間使用 UTC 時間
- [後端]:修正浮水印字體大小演算法
- [後端]:改寫計算浮水印最寬行流程
- [後端]:Calc 將游標超連結資料傳給 Online
- [後端]:新增 libgd、libxpm 作為依賴關係
- 2021-03-02
- 修正 Impress Online 文字方塊點選後無法取消的問題
- 在 sendUnoCommand 時阻擋特定的指令
- 移除對 verticaltext 的雙次啟用防範條件
- OxOOL Server 新增接收 client 傳送三條新的指令
- Toolbar.js: 改用 L.dialog.run 呼叫 dialog
- 修正及更新 Actions.js
- 更新繁體中文翻譯
- wsd: forbid access_token to connect by pasting URL.
- If getItemProperty() cannot find the status of the uno command, it returns an empty object.
- Toolbar.js: Added export format list and read function getExportFormats()
- 更新 dockerfile
- Add missing button icon in jquery.mCustomScrollbar.
- 重寫 Impress 的預覽處理程式
- calc: When changing the cell position, the cursor is not required to be displayed.
- toolbar.js: Change the ID of the toolbar clear format button to reset attributes' to reflect the button status.
- toolbar.js: The clear format commands of impress and writer and calc are different and need to be handled separately
- impress: Mandatory setting of the width of the slide-sorter to avoid overlapping of the scroll axis and the preview image.
- calc: Fix the cursor movement algorithm of selected cell text to avoid the cursor disappearing problem.
- calc: hide the vertical scroll of worksheet labels.
- calc: rewrite the worksheet label column handler.
- impress 的「插入」-「頁首與頁尾」的功能選單移除
- writer 插入選單功能順序調整
- [後端]:新增 uno command OxSaveGraphic,OxChangePicture
- [後端]:修正依賴關係
- [後端]:要在 xlsx 中插入圖形時不要使用 "resize_shape_to_fix_text"
- [後端]:從 Microsoft Excel 貼上文件到 Calc 時隱藏 TextImportCsvDialog
- [後端]:新增 urw 字型依賴關係以修正部份問題
- [後端]:新增 uno command OxProtect
- 2021-01-12
impress: Change the icon and display position of the mouse effect and the special effect.
jquery-contextmenu upgrate to 2.9.2.
Toolbar.js has two amendments:
getUnoCommandIcon() prioritizes whether the command is a resource Icon.
getDocumentStatus() delays 50 milliseconds before sending the status command.
Actions.js added ShowSlide, HideSlide.
toolbar.js: After setting the transition animation, update the document status.
Change the Traditional Chinese translation:「非使用中文件 - 請點按按鍵繼續編輯」→「文件閒置中 – 請點按按鍵繼續」。
Add poco denpendency.
新增前端處理 status code 相關程式碼。
20201211 更新部份繁體中文翻譯。
calc: When editing in mobile mode, let the water drop indicator appear.
mobile-readonly: enable search & change the ui.
Added prompt icon for Dialog.
Control.Dialogs.js: Enhance the function of dynamically loading external Dialog.
In addition to loading with map.fire('executeDialog', {dialog:'xxxxxx'}), you can also use L.dialog.run('xxxxx', {......});
Added three preset Dialogs: L.dialog.confirm, L.dialog.alert, L.dialog.prompt, and can have prompt icons. For a simple dialog, there is no need to load an external hand-carved dialog.
TileLayer.js: If the image is scaled or rotated, remove the cache svg data.
L.dialog.prompt(): add password attribute.
Bug fix.
Perform the archive action, and the message "Archiving..." will always be displayed.
Click the Close File button. If the file has been modified, the error message will be displayed, but the window will not be closed.
Modify the check icon before the right-click icon, which can be changed dynamically.
Writer: Fixed the problem that menuitem zoomed in and out was disabled.
Fixed a typing error in the "Hidden Worksheet" code.
Update Traditional Chinese Translation.
Fixed an issue where the virtual keyboard of the handheld device would cover up the editing cursor.
Fix the problem that the file password cannot be opened if it contains blank characters.
File modification time is hidden by default.
After the menubar is initialized, the modification time and file name will be displayed.
Add new icon.(deletecell.svg)
impress: 修正側邊欄位縮圖超出可視範圍的問題。 如果 SelectedFrame 超出可視範圍,重新設定側邊欄定位,使 SelectedFrame 置於可視範圍中第一張縮圖的位置。
calc: 修正所選工作表超出可視範圍的問題。 如果 SelectedTab 超出可視範圍,重新設定Tabs列表定位,使 SelectedTab 置於可視範圍內。
Fix core javascripts.
Add http status code 499:
Re-open .uno:EditShapeHyperlink (Edit Hyperlink)
[後端]Revert "o[writer]: InsertGraphic anchor default use FLY_AS_CHAR"。
[後端]sd: renameSlide & assignLayout 必須通知共編者更新狀態。
[後端]sd: 新增 changeSlideExclusionState(bool) 隱藏或顯示投影片。
[後端]o[deb]: deb packages add Section,Priority info。
[後端]o[uno]: add uno command OxSaveGraphic,OxChangePicture for test。
[後端]Revert "o[calc]: Fixed xlsx add sheets issue crash"。 -
[後端]sc: 修正超連結右鍵選單之「開啟超連結」無效問題 同時也修正了 Online 圖片、圖案、文字方塊有超連結,就不能選取及拖曳的問題。
[後端]temporarily fixed Fixed xlsx add sheets issue crash。
- 2020-12-11
log 時間改為顯示機器本地時間
Grant oxool the cap_dac_override permission.
Set the backup log file name suffix time to be the same as the local machine time.
Fixed the problem that the function map.forceCellCommit() cannot be used repeatedly
set png compress level to 4
[docker] add dockerfile to build container
[docker] install oxool from yum repo
calc: Fix the problem of incorrect scrolling and clicking when the number of worksheets exceeds the screen area.
View mode and output is not prohibited to display download as XXX and print button.
會送出 UI_Close 給 WPOI HOST 端,然後結束。
若是檔案未被修改過,則 送出 UI_Close 給 WPOI HOST 端,然後結束。
若是已修改過,會送出 save 訊息,通知 OxOOL 存檔並存回 WOPI HOST,等到收到確定存檔通知後,再送出 UI_Close 給 WPOI HOST 端, 然後結束。
關閉檔案統一執行 map.closeDocument()
修正 OxOffice Dialog 面積太大,畫面容納不下的問題。
Add calc worksheet and impress detail information, need patch OxOffice.
Added map.getDocumentStatus() to enable OxOOL to retrieve the document status.
確保 this._map.CallPythonScriptSource 檢查正確
新增 impress 預覽用的圖示
Socket.js parseServerCmd adds partdetail conversion.
Modify calc and impress related css style.
calc 和 impress 詳細資訊使用新格式
impress can show whether there is transition animation, mouse animation and whether it is hidden.
Fix the problem of parser error caused by worksheet protection icon.
Rewrite right-click menu to avoid using <a> tag to prevent the browser from displaying strange links.
Parts.js added map.getPartProperty([part]) function.
partsInfo does not need to be exported to the outside.
Control.PartPreview.js obtains detailed properties of slides through a unified method.
Fixed the problem that when the dialog generated by OxOffice exceeds the height of the screen, the screen will be rolled back when clicking the bottom.
Correct the size of some icons.
Preview.js: Move the close button to the right and change the icon to X. Click the file icon to display the about window.
Before closing the editor, if it is not wrapped in a frame, close it directly.
Corrected some icons.
Fix the problem of load exception if there is a'%' symbol in the user name.
calc: Editing the hyperlink will cause the picture not to be selected, temporarily closed.
Fix the related CSS styles on the left side of impress.
impress: Improve the appearance of the vertical scroll bar in the preview on the left.
impress: Change the icon and display position of the mouse effect and the special effect.
jquery-contextmenu upgrate to 2.9.2
impress: Add layout icon.
Toolbar.js has two amendments:
getUnoCommandIcon() prioritizes whether the command is a resource Icon.
getDocumentStatus() delays 50 milliseconds before sending the status command.
Change the Traditional Chinese translation:
「非使用中文件 - 請點按按鍵繼續編輯」→「文件閒置中 - 請點按按鍵繼續」
Add poco denpendency
[後端]Fixed xlsx add sheets issue crash。
[後端] 底層核心升級至 Libreoffice 6.3.6
[後端] calc: 修改 getPartInfo,取得更詳細資訊。
[後端] impress: 修改 getPartInfo,取得更詳細資訊。
[後端][writer]: InsertGraphic anchor default use FLY_AS_CHAR
- 2020-11-04
- 2020-10-14
WopiInfo sent to Client adds a new DocumentOwner field.以辨識該文件是否由檔案擁有者編輯。
Editing in ODF format can only be executed by the file owner, and others can only open it in read-only format.
重新修改 api (/hosting/version) 回報 lool 以及 lokiit 版本資訊。
把 getVersionInfo with parameter "branch" 移植回來
Add build require package to depency script
Update debian install script
The following API addresses are displayed on the console side.
Change the new fontconfig settings.
calc: Zoomout extends from 100% to 60% minimum.
Rewrite the new oxool fonts config.
Avoid missing characters caused by installing oxool & ndcodfweb at the same time.
calc: After the "Set Percentage" button in the toolbar, add a "Set Number" button.
Remove signed document option.
Add files that git does not need to track.
文字方塊 -> 水平文字方塊
垂直文字 -> 垂直文字方塊
calc: Intercept the input method activation event when inputting in the formula column
Remove the upper limit of oxool open file and use cpu
Fix name format.
Simplify the downloadas process.
calc: Spreadsheet preview zoom can be from 60%~200%.
calc: If the open document is a spreadsheet, set the zoom to a minimum of 60%.
calc: Solve the problem that the spreadsheet file cannot be zoomed in touch mode.
Change the vertical center alignment icon.
toolbar: Add and modify toolbar buttons
Added four icons for text direction and text box css style.
No need to put the font path that comes with OxOffice in the system
- 2020-09-10
- Update ubuntu installation script.
- Upgrade bootstrap to version 3.4.1.
- oxoolwsd: Introduce freetype and fontconfig to assist background font management.
- Add font management.
- Fixed the problem that the last edited data of the spreadsheet file was not archived.
- admin: Return the font json to the client, change boolean to string.
- fontconfig dependent version down to 2.12.6.
- Fixed WOPI fileinfo not receiving UserExtraInfo and causing JSON Exception.
- Add the font path of OxOffice to the fontconfig of the system.
- [後端][impress][svg]: 增加符號清單 add lost bullet char-define: ►
- [後端][impress][svg]: 修復頁尾文字跟編號 also parse Placeholder.
- [後端][impress][svg]: 修復頁尾時間parse Placeholder use aOOOAttrDateTimeField。
- [後端][impress][svg]: 修復 svg 檔內容 BulletCharElem Id。
- [後端][fonts]: 更新字型 update SourceHanSans font use filetype ttc
- [後端]LoKit: 新增文字浮水印可旋轉角度。
- [後端]LoKit: 新增讓 PDF 也能使用對角浮水印。
- [後端][fonts]: 更改字型權限 SoureHanSans-fonts to 644。
- 2020-08-02
- Put WOPI UserExtraInfo in Wopi info and pass it to Client.
- 將 Preview.js 加在擷取翻譯列表。
- Added goto page button.
- Added "Edit in ODF" function.
- The menu is not displayed in non-edit mode or mobile phone mode.
- Added Traditional Chinese translation of "Edit in ODF format".
- Fix close button disappeared after folding.
- Writer: According to the editing mode, decide whether to display the ruler.
- Change close button icon.
- Remove duplicate file.
- admin: If there is no set value, replace it with the default value.
- Add font directory and settings managed by oxool.
- 提供外部開發機制。
- SDK: Implement oxool module SDK.
- Remove the include_header in oxool debian package.
- 2020-06-28
- Fix _lastmodtime will appear undefined
- Added spectrum-colorpicker2 package
- Update extensions, add binding line macros
- Fix the problem that the runmacro parameter blank is cut off.
- Added menubar item id to specify 'macro:///'
- Writer: Added inserting gutter function. (裝訂線)
- Added traditional Chinese translation related to gutter. (裝訂線)
- Fix sign compare issue.
- Encode with encodeURI before executing the macro to avoid blank spaces being cut off.
- Add OSSII official website address.
- Add 'hasTemplateSaveAs' and 'hasTemplateSource' To capabilities.
- Add print or download PDF Add watermark mechanism.
- 2020-06-02
- add missing #include <list>
- wsd: fix crash with read-only documents + uno command without param
- admin console: fix handling of out of range kill parameter
- admin: cleanup sent/recv accounting - and initialize the totals.
- 新增 OxOffice banner 圖片
- 新增官方文件說明連結
- Added the function of intercepting shortcut keys.
- impress: Added projection function from the current page (Shift + F5)
- Fix impress view mode download pptx is mistakenly planted as xlsx.
- If the PDF watermark is not specified,it does not need to be added in filterOptions.
- Remove the timeago package and related code.
- Added Traditional Chinese translation related to the most recent modification time.
- 修改 impress svg 格式投影 script,加上可取得網址參數功能,就能指定開始播放的頁面
- 2020-04-08
- 2020-03-27
- calc: 修正 readonly 模式時,document-container 留白問題。
- 修正 toolbar 顯示時機:除了 edit 模式外,都不顯示。
- Add files that git must ignore.
- menubar fixed:
- Distinguish between view mode and readonly mode.
- Don't send automatic report without uno command.
- Always display the file icon.
- Remove unwanted files: dist_git_hash.
- 2020-03-19
- 初版釋出