OxOffice Online 社群版本更新公告

- close button instead default to invisible.
- writer: Only need to display ruler when changing to edit mode.
- Rewrite ./configure parameter.
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/OSSII/oxool-community.
- 移除不需要的 debian 相依套件
- Use pip to install polib
- Use nvm to setup node & npm
- 新增安裝相依套件的腳本
- Add net-tools for development purpose.
- use original auto_configure.
- Update Ubuntu-18.04 build instruction.
- Fix some typo in README.md
- Add one more dependency for building.
- Add dependencies to oxool.
- Add ossii logo file and css style.
- Merge pull request #6 from fweng322/master. Fix README.md and add debian repository support.
- Add ./autogen.sh for configure step.
- New toolbar for viewing or read-only mode.
- Add travis.yml for building 18.04(bionic) deb.
- Convert SVG format to PNG format.
- Update css style files.
- Add keyboard shortcut dialog.
- Centralize commonly used functions to avoid duplication of design.
- Change 'basicshapes_ellips' to 'insertdraw'.
- Enhanced UNO command execution mechanism.
- Remove unnecessary image files.
- writer: Mobile mode can also scroll.
- toolbar: Use new action mechanism.
- New view and readonly mode.
- Only edit mode is required to display the toolbar and close button.
- If the content changes, the save button must be enabled.
- Change app name to OxOffice Online.
- Fix the input problem in the spreadsheet cell.
- calc: 修正 readonly 模式時,document-container 留白問題。
- 修正 toolbar 顯示時機:除了 edit 模式外,都不顯示。
- Add files that git must ignore.
- menubar fixed:
- Distinguish between view mode and readonly mode.
- Don't send automatic report without uno command.
- Always display the file icon.
- Remove unwanted files: dist_git_hash.
- 初版釋出